Event Planning Resources

Successful campus events require attention to detail and advance planning. 为了帮助您在活动规划过程中,确保您的活动尽可能顺利地进行, we have created the following resource guides:

In addition to these guides, all event planners should review the Freedom of Expression Policy 并了解所有其他校园和部门的政策,可能适用于他们的活动.

学生: Ready to Plan an Event?

在举办成功的现场活动的同时,也可以通过以下措施来减少COVID-19的传播 CC’s COVID-19 risk mitigation protocols. Do you have questions about how you can: 

  • Be involved in digital programming?
  • Support your student organization?
  • Start planning in-person events for the spring?

Email us at campusactivities@yann-mathieux.com 预约与校园活动专业人员聊天,或到Worner 230与学生实习生讨论可能性.

  • Drop-ins: Monday – Friday, 1 – 5 p.m., Campus Activities Office 工作人员 & Student Interns available to answer questions
  • By appointment: email 艾米·希尔 or Allis Werkmeister for availability

Campus Activities encourages you as soon as you envision hosting an event, please review the event planning checklist in detail, request a space in Ungerboeck, 安排学生活动峰会,讨论细节,进一步了解活动规划中降低COVID-19风险的要求. Please note: The minimum advance notice required to plan an event is 10 days; 10 days advance notice, 然而,  不是一个保证,所有的学生活动都取决于空间和工作人员的可用性.

Student 事件 Summit

学生活动峰会的存在是为了在项目提案过程中为学生策划者提供更好的沟通和支持. The events summit serves three purposes:

  1. Address over-saturation of competing student events during peak dates and times.
  2. 确保学生计划人员配备适当的资源,包括后勤细节, equipment rental, staffing and security, AV equipment and technical support, 餐饮 and confirmation of legal contracts/riders with vendors, speakers, and performers.
  3. 活动峰会委员会是学生策划活动的审批机构, offering formal approval once all of the logistical details are settled, before planners can seek CCSGA funding support.

Options for Student 事件 Summit Attendance:

  1. 欢迎学生在复杂活动的规划过程中尽早参加学生活动峰会, in order to gain advice and guidance from the group. To schedule an appointment to discuss an upcoming event, email Allis Werkmeister (awerkmeister@yann-mathieux.com).
    • Taste of the World, the NASU Powwow, Arts at the Arena, Dance Workshop, and Llamapalooza are all good examples of this. 这些活动的学生策划者在活动前几个月开始参加SES会议,以便询问小组哪些日期或空间最适合此类具有复杂需求和特殊要求的大型活动,并确保这些活动符合校园协议和政策(例如COVID-19)。.
  2. Most often students are invited by email to come to Student 事件 Summit after submitting a room reservation request; while the room request process only requires 10 day advance notice, 越早提交房间申请,学生活动峰会和CCSGA就能提供越多的支持.


学生活动峰会是每周与提供和执行学生活动服务的主要校园合作伙伴举行的会议. Leadership includes:

  • ITS: Frontline Services - Shane Brown
  • Facilities 事件 Setup - Kris Higginbotham
  • Campus 安全 - Pete Zeitz or Cathy Buckley
  • Campus Activities & Student Life- 艾米·希尔 & Allis Werkmeister
  • If outdoor events are proposed, Grounds - John Nichols
  • If alcohol or catered events are proposed - Catering
  • If the venues are requested: Justine France for the Reid Arena, Shaylan Quinn for Cornerstone, or Elizabeth Clark for Robson Arena
  • 如果城市许可或政策在发挥作用,科罗拉多斯普林斯警察局校园代表


  • Student 事件 Summits are held each Tuesday from 12:30-2 pm in Worner 213
  • Event planners will either be contacted by Allis Werkmeister, Candy Klos, 或艾米·希尔安排约会,或者主动给Candy或Allis发邮件安排约会.
  • The organization program coordinator/representative is to remain in waiting area until their event is called on the agenda; while waiting the event rep should complete the pre-Summit event checklist.
  • Student Org coordinator/representative(s) briefly describes their event (who, 什么, 当, 在哪里, 为什么, & 如何),并有机会提出问题或提出额外的支持请求.
  • 批准考虑的依据是学生组织策划人员及其成员的准备水平和进展情况,包括:
    • 资金: Has adequate funding been secured?
    • 安全 & Risk Management: Is the safety plan realistic and appropriate? 这可能涉及学院的专业人员和教职员工保安人员的组合, and the plan must be approved by Campus 安全. Depending the nature of the event, 参与者可能会被要求签署免责声明,而活动策划者则有望成为降低活动风险的合作伙伴.
    • AV: ITS:前线服务处是否能提供所需的视听设备和人员?
    • Event Equipment: Is Facilities able to provide the required tables, chairs, stage, 等? 如果没有,活动策划者是否能够提供额外的资金从外部供应商那里租用物品? Does Facilities have the time and resources to set up during work hours? 如果没有,活动策划者是否能够提供额外的资金来支付加班费?
    • Impact to Campus Space:场地经理是否对场地的潜在影响感到放心? 场地是否能在下次活动前或第二天上课前被充分打扫干净?
    • Level of Commitment of student organization/planners: 他们是否能够在这个时候跟上活动计划的要求,或者他们已经落后于他们的任务清单?
  • In the instance of non-approval, 我们总是为学生提供机会,以改变他们的活动的日期或地点.
  • 经批准的活动由校园活动专员在CC活动管理系统中标记为确认, Allis Werkmeister, so that events can be adequately tracked and service orders can be generated.

Reserving a Room

学生组织有责任在预定活动前至少10天预订场地,这意味着学生必须提出要求 receives a confirmation that the space is available. 学生策划人员在获得活动场地并参加活动并获得学生活动峰会批准之前,不得签订任何合同或协议.

请注意,学生无权签署合同——有权签署合同的人是学院官员:校园活动主任, 和/或教职员工顾问(在通过活动峰会确认活动获得批准后). 如果CCSGA的资金全部或部分用于满足合同,则必须提供合同副本以进行预算核对.

Reserve a room by:

  1. 完成在线房间预订请求通过CC事件管理访问通过您的 CC Single Sign-In
  2. Contacting Crystal Hurtado, Worner Campus Center Administrative and Event Program Assistant.
  3. You may also contact Campus Activities at (719) 389 - 6800
  4. 如果您需要修改或添加现有事件的事件支持和信息(AV支持), 餐饮, room setup, campus calendar details, 等.), refer to your event confirmation email.
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/23/2023