

Your housing agreement is for the full academic year, ending May 2023. First-year students, sophomores, and juniors must depart by 2024年5月16日星期四中午12点. You may choose to leave earlier than this if your course schedule and course requirements permit. 

即将毕业的大四学生必须搬出去 2024年5月20日星期一中午12点.

Preparing for a successful move-out in May requires planning and having the right information. To reduce the stress at the end of the Spring semester, be sure to connect with your RAs/RLCs prior to closing. 

Please plan accordingly when making travel arrangements.  

学生 who do not complete the check-out process and vacate by the deadlines noted above will be charged a $150 improper check out fee and an additional daily rate per day for each additional day they are on campus.  The residence halls and apartments are used throughout the summer, 所以我们的设施, 保管的, and operations teams all rely on you to check out on time to do their work.

春季搬出2024 -离开过程


这是首选的方法, 然而, if there are no RAs available or it is outside of the staffed time frames, 可以完成快速结帐.

  • Schedule a check-out time with an RA via the housing portal
    • 登记服务主任可办理以下结帐手续: 
      • 5月15日星期三中午至晚上8点
      • 5月16日(星期四)上午8时至下午12时(中午)
  • Meet the RA at your front desk at your selected appointment time
  • An RA will accompany you to your reserved space to complete the room inventory form, verify that all belongings have been removed and do a visual check with the resident present. 
    • The RA will open all drawers, closets and safes with the resident present.
  • 如果在检查过程中发现任何损坏, 这将在稍后的时间通过电子邮件沟通. 
  • 在房间检查完成后, the RA and resident will return to the front desk to turn in the key. 


This is the back-up option for residents who cannot leave during the allotted time or wish to forgo the initial RA room inspection.

If a resident choose this option, you opt out of an appeal on charges. 

  • 居民s will complete an 表达检测 Intent Form. 
  • 居民s will request an 表达检测 envelope from either their RLC or Front Desk in advance of closing.
    • There will be envelopes available throughout the closing period.
  • 居民s will empty all belongings from their room and place key(s) in the express check-out envelope. 
    • 居民s must fill out all applicable items on the express check-out envelope
  • 一旦完成, residents will place envelope with key(s) in the express check-out box located at the front desk.


在你搬出去的时候完成以下任务. 这份名单将发给第8街区的居民. 

  • Attend a closing meeting for your area by May 5th and/or communicate with your RA about closing expectations
  • Schedule a time to check out with your RA and/or grab an 表达检测 envelope. 
  • 用吸尘器打扫地板
  • 提交任何维修需求的工单
  • 倒垃圾
  • 擦拭表面
  • 检查所有抽屉、保险箱等. 
  • Clean out refrigerator and microwave (also check community refrigerator)
  • 清理并拔掉你的冰箱插头 
  • 留下你的安全
  • 返回房间到原来的配置
  • 检查邮件
  • 整理房间外的任何物品(例如.e. 自行车)
  • 不要在公共空间留下任何东西 
  • 向“扔掉垃圾箱”组织捐款 
  • 删除 所有 退房前从房间取出的物品

Once this has been completed, you are all set to check out! 



Extended stay is the period between the residential spaces closing and graduation, 和/或夏天搬出去. 学生 who are living on campus for Summer 2024 must complete an extended stay request if they will be remaining on campus during these dates.


$40/day for a double or triple room; $45/day for a single room for students who are not graduating/not staying on campus for Block A




We are partnered with the Office of Sustainability for 扔掉垃圾箱@搬出去捐赠 而不是! (前称休假) 

The objective of this program is to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and support local communities through our donations. 每年CC的学生搬离校园, they realize they have accumulated more 'stuff' than they need or can transport back with them. Many of these items end up in landfill when they could have been recycled, composted, or donated!

有关“丢弃垃圾箱”的问题,请发送电子邮件 sustainability@yann-mathieux.com

存储 & 航运


科罗拉多大学 does not have storage for residents on campus. 

你在找一个夏天的储藏室吗? 你需要别人帮你搬家吗? We are excited to announce our new partnership with Campus 存储! 他们将在5月14日接机 & 15, 2024! Please make your 预订 as soon as possible if you are planning to store your belongings over summer break. All 科罗拉多大学 students are again eligible to access the Stree-Free Summer Moving & 存储程序. 

让你的 预订 今天!


Step 1: Select a date for in-room pick up of your belongings at no cost.

Step 2: Campus 存储 will provide and ship all packing materials ordered. (ex. 盒子,胶带,气泡膜)

第三步:为期末考试努力学习, so relax while our professional movers do the heavy lifting at no cost.  

第四步:不要担心伤到背部... our professional movers will carry your belongings up & 下楼不需要额外费用. 

Step 5: We store your belongings in our climate-controlled storage facilities. 

Step 6: In-room delivery to your new residence included at no cost. 


如果居民选择通过搬家公司, they will be required to be present and accompany the company at all times during their move-out process. At no time will 科罗拉多大学 permit entry into a space without the resident of reserved room present. 


如果你已经签订了暑期住房项目的合同, you will stay in your current space until we have  Mathias ready for you! You will be notified when your space is ready for you and you will be required to complete your move within 48 hours after you are notified. Once you are registered for 夏天住房, we will send periodic updates.  学生 can plan on moving over to Mathias by May 22, 2024.  

欲了解更多信息,请访问 夏天住房

报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/12/2024