
Special Considerations

  • 每队指定学生队长负责了解校园娱乐部的政策和程序.
  • All entry forms are due by 5:00 p.m. to the Campus Rec Department by the deadline posted for each sport/event. Late entries will not be accepted.
  • 每支球队允许在球队名册上列出两倍于参加这项运动的球员人数.
  • 如果以下信息完整,则认为参赛表格完整:每位参赛者的姓名和电话号码.
  • Incomplete forms will not be accepted by the Campus Rec Department.
  • Students, staff, 及受养人请注意,参加所有IM活动完全是自愿的,与学院无关, 如因参加校内活动而造成人身伤害或财产损失,概由校园康乐部负责,而非其职员.


Alcohol is prohibited in Robson Arena, Schlessman Natatorium, Reid Arena, the aux gym, and the AFP Fitness Center. Alcohol is prohibited for players, spectators, and officials at indoor or outdoor intramural activities, per the Pathfinder. 对违反饮酒政策的纪律处分将由校园娱乐主任批准, VP/Athletic Director, and/or Dean of Students.

For a complete Colorado College Alcohol Policy, consult the most recent version of the Pathfinder


All enrolled students with full-time status, MAT students, and employees of the College are eligible for participation in Intramural activities and events. Significant others and dependents are also eligible to participate. 校友没有资格参加比赛,除非他们是全日制学生或学院的雇员.

Transgender Policy for Eligibility/Participation in Intramural Sports Activities

All students, faculty, 和工作人员被允许以符合其性别认同的方式参加赌博正规的十大网站的校内体育项目. While many sport programs are offered in gender-based divisions, CC寻求为所有个人提供参与其校内活动的机会,包括性别认同.

When there are gender specific rules or player ratio requirements in the co-ed leagues, the participant's gender identity will be applied. If an individual or team is insure which division would be most appropriate in which to participate, please contact the Director of Campus Recreation. 在校内项目中出现的关于性别认同的问题或担忧可能会根据具体情况进行审查.


  1. 校际运动员在其作为校队运动员参加的学年期间不得参加同一项运动或任何相关运动. 如果学生在第一场比赛后以队员身份参加比赛或参加第一场比赛,则视为校际队的一员. The includes red-shirt athletes.
  2. Players may participate on only 1 team per sport per season.
  3. Only players submitted on the official team roster are eligible to participate in the IM games.
  4. A player may not switch to another team after having played as a member of an original team.

不遵守这些规则的选手将被取消在该项目中继续比赛的资格. 任何与不符合条件的队员一起比赛的球队将被取消该队员参加的所有比赛.


Forfeits are the most damaging occurrence in your intramural program. 在出现在一场比赛中,对手却没有出现,热情和参与很快就消失了. 你的报名表是一份与IM部门和其他学生的合同,大意是如果你说你会参加比赛, you will be there for your games.


Forfeits will be assessed under the following conditions:

  • If a team or individual fails to report to the scheduled place within 10 minutes after the scheduled time for a contest. To obtain a contest victory by forfeit, the full lineup must be present and ready to play. If both teams and/or individuals fail to appear, both will be charged with a forfeit.
  • For team sports, 球队在预定时间准备比赛的球员人数至少要比正式人数少一人. Any less in attendance and a forfeit will be assessed.
  • If a team is found to be using an ineligible player.
  • 不遵守联盟规定的男女同校规则:任何未被充分代表的性别在任何时候都必须至少有两名成员在场上比赛. 一支队伍可以由一名未被充分代表的性别成员开始比赛,但必须先打一人,直到第二名未被充分代表的性别成员到达比赛现场.

Inclement Weather

In the case of inclement weather, a final decision will be made by 3:00 p.m. by the IM Office. After such time, the captains of the respective teams will be contacted by phone, text, and/or email. Teams should be ready to play unless contacted by the IM department. Postponed games will be replayed if time and facilities are available. In the event that a postponed game cannot be replayed, it will be recorded as a no game and will not count toward the team's overall record.


Students, faculty, 及教职员须注意,他们参与校际交流活动完全属自愿性质,与学院无关, 体育部及其工作人员将不承担任何责任受伤或个人财产损失的参与国际运动会活动. For students who carry the College-sponsored insurance policy, insurance claims for IM injuries will be handled at the Student Health Center.


联赛比赛的日程安排通常按照循环赛的形式安排每支球队参加相同数量的比赛. Final season rankings will be determined by 1) winning percentage, 2) head to head play, and/or 3) a game of chance. At the end of league play, 排名靠前的球队将进入单淘汰赛,决出联赛总冠军. The format for this final tournament is generally power seating as opposed to a balanced seating schedule. All members of the winning team will receive IM Champion t-shirts.


Teams/individuals may request that a contest be rescheduled. 要求重新安排比赛时间的队伍/个人的责任包括在预定比赛时间前至少24小时与校园体育部联系, and the opponent of the contest to request and obtain consent for postponement. If these guidelines are not met, the game's originally scheduled time will remain in effect. In the event of a postponement by the Campus Rec Department, every effort will be made to reschedule the contest.

如遇恶劣天气而延期,将由校园娱乐部作出最终决定, conflicts with staffing and facilities, or college activities. Postponed games will be replayed if there is time and facilities are available. In the event that a postponed game can not be replayed, it will be recorded as a no game.


Good sportsmanship is vital to the conduct of every intramural activity. 没有体育精神的行为不仅是对个人的不良反映,而且还会影响其他参与者对活动的享受. Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated by the Campus Rec Department. Penalties for unsportsmanlike behavior will include, but are not limited to, warnings, probation, suspension or expulsion. Teams and individuals who cannot participate without creating problems on the field, ice or court will be removed from the program. During contests, the officials are the representatives of the Campus Rec Department. 必须遵守这些个人的决定,以确保在所有活动中保持适当的秩序和体育精神.

对违反体育道德行为的处罚程序包括:如果犯规,立即给予警告并暂停比赛, or like behavior, is committed within the same game/event. Any student ejected from a game will be required serve an automatic and mandatory TWO game suspension. 在该运动赛季剩余时间内的第二次警告将导致整个运动赛季暂停比赛.

对于任何公然犯规或故意将参与者置于危险境地的行为,个人将被立即驱逐出比赛/赛事. 在与比赛/赛事的官员和主管协商后,将采取额外的纪律处分.

Report an issue - Last updated: 05/26/2022


Director of Recreation & Fitness Center

Campus Rec Athletic Trainer

Assistant Director - Fitness Center